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  • The Great Lives of Antiquity

  • The 23 Leaders, Philosophers, and Visionaries Who Sculpted the Ancient World
  • De : Matthew Rivers
  • Lu par : Heston Mosher
  • Durée : 5 h et 31 min

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The Great Lives of Antiquity

De : Matthew Rivers
Lu par : Heston Mosher
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    Throughout history, a select group of individuals has dramatically reshaped the world through their actions, thoughts, and visions. From the timeless epics of Homer to the strategic military campaigns of Belisarius, from the philosophical depths explored by Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle to Alexander the Great's empire-building conquests, this collection of lives forms the backbone of our shared heritage. It spans the wisdom of Confucius in the East to the enduring legacies of Julius Caesar and Cicero in the Roman Republic, and from the formidable presence of Attila the Hun to the strategic brilliance of Byzantium's Belisarius. Their stories illuminate the vast spectrum of human potential and achievement, offering insights into leadership, philosophy, warfare, and governance that remain relevant today.

    "The Great Lives of Antiquity" presents 23 lives of historical figures not as distant icons, but as vibrant personalities who faced challenges, made decisions, and forged destinies. You will meet Aesop, whose fables have transcended time; Hypatia, who enlightened Alexandria; and Cleopatra, whose intelligence and political savvy speak to the complexities of power in history.

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