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The Great Contagion

De : Jeff Chapman
Lu par : Jannie Meisberger
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Plagues kill in more ways than one.

Merliss is no ordinary cat. She's far more. She's a young girl's spirit trapped in a cat's body. While the magic that banished her has snatched away her human speech, it has given her a life spanning millennia. For centuries she has lived with the cunning folk, assisting their efforts to heal the sick and ward off malevolent creatures. Now, a bleeding sickness has thrown the community into chaos.

The cunning man and his apprentice are in danger from the disease. The life Merliss has worked so long to build is in jeopardy. Before she entered the cat, she had trained to be a shaman. Do her centuries of experience hold a secret to a cure? But disease isn't her only nemesis.

A pair of malevolent creatures move into the neighborhood, threatening more havoc. Merliss and her cunning partners face more challenges than they can handle. But the greatest threat to Merliss' survival may be the ignorance of terrified people looking for a scapegoat.

The Great Contagion is epic fantasy from a cat's eye view. A prequel to Cat Sidhe, The Great Contagion is a stand-alone installment in The Merliss Tales series.

Prowl with Merliss now.

©2019 Jeff Chapman (P)2020 Jeff Chapman
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