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Couverture de The Great Bandit

The Great Bandit

De : R.D. Hayes
Lu par : Aricka Parent
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    After years of pulling heist, the Great Bandit is caught. The judge discovers something different about her and gives her an opportunity that most criminals would only dream of. The Great Bandit has the ability to remember everything—she has an eidetic memory.

    After realizing the great potential that she could have for his country, the judge orders her to serve out eight years in the US Army and become part of the CIA. She doesn't want to go, but it was either this or 30 years in prison for all the robberies she committed.

    This audiobook takes you on a hilarious journey as the Great Bandit goes from a bank robber to soldier. Her smart ways get her into trouble as she is ordered to have an agent follow her around to keep her from doing anything stupid. With an agent up by her side, her wit, and abilities, she wonders if prison would have been a better choice. The Great Bandit can't seem to stay out of trouble to save her life.

    The Great Bandit will take you through a humorous journey as you try to figure out what she will do next and if she will ever learn how to take orders.

    ©2021 R.D. Hayes (P)2022 R.D. Hayes

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