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  • The Great Adventure I Am

  • Realizing Your True Nature, as Jesus Taught It
  • De : KJ Stewart
  • Lu par : KJ Stewart
  • Durée : 3 h et 16 min

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The Great Adventure I Am

De : KJ Stewart
Lu par : KJ Stewart
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    The Great Adventure I Am is a groundbreaking book that uncovers the hidden teachings of Jesus. For centuries, the words of Jesus have been filtered through religion, misinterpreted, or lost to the sands of time. But KJ Stewart has discovered a template of self-inquiry within the “I AM” statements of Jesus by simply adding “Is” and “It”.

    This remarkable finding unlocks a complete teaching for entering the kingdom of God, and it has been hidden in plain sight for centuries, until now. This book will revolutionize how we understand Jesus’ teachings, offering listeners a practical way to access the divine. This discovery echoes similar remarkable finds of the past—just as the Rosetta Stone deciphered hieroglyphics, KJ Stewart’s book unlocks the hidden wisdom of Jesus.

    With this book, listeners will gain insight into a powerful teaching and discover a way to bring the divine into their lives. This book will point you directly to the source of your own existence and then introduce you to it.

    ©2023 Kenneth J Stewart (P)2023 Kenneth J Stewart

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