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  • The Gray Choice

  • Lessons on My Journey from Big-Time Banking to the Big House (and Back)
  • De : Shaun Hayes
  • Lu par : Shaun Hayes
  • Durée : 3 h et 32 min

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The Gray Choice

De : Shaun Hayes
Lu par : Shaun Hayes
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    Learn hard-won lessons from a millionaire who risked and lost it all—and learned to move forward again.

    At 29, banker Shaun Hayes was on his way to his goal of becoming a millionaire. Guided by hustle and ingenuity, he purchased his first bank and was CEO of one of the largest publicly held bank holding companies in Missouri. For years, he was lauded as one of the Midwest’s top entrepreneurs and riding high as a business leader and family man. He took the risks and made the sharp decisions others wouldn’t....

    Until those decisions led him to his downfall...and prison.

    Learn the true story of entrepreneur and multimillionaire Shaun Hayes’ rise to the highest levels of corporate banking, his subsequent fall that led to 37 months in federal prison, and the ultimate costs: his family, friends, freedom, and fortune. A cautionary tale of great success and failure, this thrilling business memoir is your guide to staying on course through life’s ethical gray areas.

    You’ll discover:

    • The story of turning a small Missouri bank into one of the largest publicly held banks in the Midwest and the dangers of the morally ambiguous roller coaster Shaun took to get there.
    • How to define your ethical moral compass when it comes to building a business, wealth, or your reputation.
    • The real-time consequences of pushing the ethical envelope in business decision-making when the risk isn’t worth the monetary reward.
    • The critical value in building a team you trust to guide the effective thinking and choices companies make to succeed.
    • How to redefine security and success apart from how much money you have in the bank.

    The Gray Choice is an honest account of one man losing his ethical footing and the inevitable fallout that reshaped his life forever. Don’t miss this compelling look at the decisions that can make or break your life and the vital lessons to find your way back.

    ©2023 Shaun Hayes (P)2023 Shaun Hayes

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