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  • The Grand Teton Stampede

  • The Campground Kids: National Park Adventures, Book 1
  • De : C.R. Fulton
  • Lu par : Kirby Heyborne
  • Durée : 2 h et 47 min

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The Grand Teton Stampede

De : C.R. Fulton
Lu par : Kirby Heyborne
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    “STAMPEDE!” Isaiah yells as the herd heads straight at his and Ethan’s tent…

    Twelve-year-old Isaiah Rawlings wished for only one thing this summer, a camping trip outside of Kentucky. I’m so tired of camping in my backyard, he groaned. Isaiah pleads with his parents to reconsider their usual summer trip to dusty old museums and big cities.

    When his dad unexpectedly announces a trip to Grand Teton National Park, Isaiah is ecstatic! On the second night of camping, He wakes to a thunderous noise that grows louder and louder. The ground begins to tremble. Earthquake?! Isaiah scrambles from his tent…

    When Isaiah, his cousin Ethan, and sister Sadie investigate the next morning, tracks lead them back to a broken fence. As they scan the surrounding area, something seems off…Why? More than one set of tracks lead into the park. Was this stampede accidental or is there more to the story?

    Join The Campground Kids as they work together to solve their first mystery in Grand Teton National Park.

    ©2022 C.R. Fulton (P)2024 One Audiobooks

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