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Couverture de The Grace of God

The Grace of God

De : William Staub
Lu par : William Staub
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    Orson Kincaid is a well-respected US Army special operations sniper for ten years with many righteous confirmed kills on his record.

    During one black ops mission, he gets compromised, wounded, and separated from his unit. Searching for a place to hide from an international drug cartel that wants him dead, he bursts into the apartment of two Mormon missionaries. They agree to hide him from the cartel fighters looking for him. While waiting, Kincaid ends up listening to their message and become curious about Christianity in general and the message of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, specifically.

    Feeling the need to stop killing, Kincaid leaves the Army and gets a job with the LDS Church in what he thinks is a simple office job, but which turns out to be the church Headquarters Security Office. Before long, Kincaid finds out he is the only security officer on staff who has any experience with counterterrorism. Two weeks after hiring on a small international terrorist group trying to make a name for themselves, identifies the LDS Church as a soft target and resolves to destroy a new temple and assassinate as many church leaders as they can as the same time. Determined to thwart the terrorist plots, Kincaid is forced to muster skills and experience to stop them before anything bad happens to his new church.

    Is it coincidence that Kincaid obtains that position in time to fight against evil? Or is it the grace of God who put Kincaid where God could best serve him with the talents, he had given him to save the church from terror's destruction. It is by the grace of God that we have what we have, and he will put us where he wants us so we may use the talents he has given us to strengthen his kingdom on Earth.

    ©2024 William Staub (P)2024 William Staub

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