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Couverture de The Gospel of Women's Health

The Gospel of Women's Health

De : Dr. Kenna Stephenson
Lu par : Kenna Stephenson MD
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    Medicine in the 21st century preys on women through performing unnecessary procedures, prescribing excessive synthetic medications, and making diseases out of normal changes in a woman's life. The current standard of care for women manufactures fear and anxiety that drives women to comply with harmful treatments and in doing so women go against their own intuition and inner guidance. One and a half billion women will become menopausal by the year 2030, and women deserve to know the truth about the art and science of women's health and how to create the best level of physical, emotional, and spiritual health for the decades to come.

    The Gospel of Women's Health is filled with solutions, clear answers, and expert guidance for girls from age seven to women in their 90s in how to deal with problems and health concerns of daily life. Practical and affordable solutions are presented for you, the listener, and every recommendation is supported by strong clinical research and science. This book is timeless and timely and has changed lives worldwide in its revelation of the truth about women's health.

    Case studies illustrate the diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from common conditions including obesity, stress, burn-out, high blood pressure, headaches, depression, anxiety, heart disease, fibromyalgia, insomnia, sexual dysfunction, and post-traumatic stress disorder. The Gospel of Women's Health will prepare you for health care conversations to expertly navigate among the predators in the medical system who seek to destroy the vitality of women.

    Women must empower themselves against the madness, mayhem, and bikini focus of women's medicine, and The Gospel of Women's Health is your guide in the battle for your best health.

    ©2021 Kenna Stephenson, MD (P)2022 Kenna Stephenson, MD
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