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Couverture de The Gospel According to Drew Barrymore

The Gospel According to Drew Barrymore

De : Pippa Wright
Lu par : Caitlin Thorburn
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    Esther and Laura have been best friends since they were seven, when Esther was chubby and Laura was already perfect. So much has changed since then, but they are still inextricably linked to one another.

    So when Esther is told that Laura has gone missing, she leaves everything behind to trace her friend's last movements. All she has is an email from Laura: 'I'm channelling Drew Barrymore, as ever. The Gospel, right?'

    ©2015 Pippa Wright (P)2016 W F Howes Ltd


    "A brilliantly, beautifully written ode to female friendship, full of warmth, laughs and 90s nostalgia.... Fantastic." (Katy Regan, author of The Story of You)
    "Funny, moving, totally gripping, I just wanted to start it all over again the moment I'd finished it." (Harriet Evans on Lizzy Harrison Loses Control)

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