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Couverture de The Good Old Days

The Good Old Days

De : Gilda O'Neill
Lu par : Michael Tudor Barnes
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    Were things really better in the good old days? The 19th century was a time when there were not only massive gulfs being created between the upper, middle, and working classes, but there was also a growing awareness of the existence of an even more impoverished underclass: a terrifying demi-monde of criminals, tarts, and no-hope low lifes.

    Gilda O'Neill's powerful exploration of the teeming underbelly that was to be found in the fog-bound streets, rat-infested slums, common lodging houses, boozers, penny gaffs, and brothels in the heart of the greatest empire that the world has ever seen brings to life the real working-class London of Victoria's reign.

    ©2006 Gilda O'Neill (P)2007 Oakhill Publishing Ltd
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Histoire


    "O'Neill is great company, with a fund of anecdotes and a keen eye for a killing epigram." ( New Statesman)

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