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  • The (Good) Food Solution

  • A Shame-Free Nutritional Journey to Food Freedom, Spiritual Nourishment, and Whole-Body Health
  • De : Meredyth Fletcher
  • Durée : 6 h et 40 min

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The (Good) Food Solution

De : Meredyth Fletcher
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    Get to know your body by discovering how good food can be!

    God gave you one physical body so you can live, move, and breathe, and He gave you a vital resource to fuel it—food. But because of damaging diet culture and pervasive body-shaming messages, it can be hard to have a relaxing, enjoyable relationship with food. The (Good) Food Solution will help you shift any distorted perceptions on food to see it as a gift from God to nourish your body, rather than a burden.

    This journey isn’t about trying the next fad diet or seeking a quick fix—it’s about finding the right balance for you. Drawing from personal stories and current research, Meredyth provides the tools you need to:

    • take an in-depth look at your emotions to uncover why you hold on to negative narratives about food;
    • learn scientifically based and biblically sound mind-body tools to forever change how you approach your health and faith;
    • discover how heaving a healthy gut is the secret to attaining the God-given nutritional benefits of the food you eat and see real results!

    God gave you a good body, and it’s up to you to give it what it needs. With Meredyth as your trustworthy guide, The (Good) Food Solution offers a shame-free invitation to bring Jesus into your most vulnerable places, take back your health, and experience food and body freedom for good.

    ©2024 Meredyth Fletcher (P)2024 Dreamscape Media


    Meredyth gracefully illustrates how God’s design for our bodies is perfect and full of abundance. She details how we can enjoy the process of nourishing our bodies, take delight in the foods we eat, and honor God at the same time. (Caroline Potter, functional nutritional therapy practitioner and creator of Flourish: Cultivating)

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