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Couverture de The Gold Killing & More

The Gold Killing & More

De : Paul Sellar
Lu par : Robert Glenister, Lee Ross, Allan Corduner, Adam Levy, Sean Murray, Ken Bones, full cast
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    Four gritty thrillers from acclaimed dramatist Paul Sellar

    ‘The master of deception layered upon deception’ Moira Petty, The Stage

    Paul Sellar is an award-winning playwright working in theatre, film and radio. This compulsive collection brings together four of his gritty, modern thrillers, set at the intersection of the murky worlds of corrupt business and criminality.

    The Gold Killing – Boxer turned businessman Joe Stein would normally run a mile from the Russian mafia and their dirty money. But a chance to invest in a Ghanaian gold mine with incredible deposits seems like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. When the returns from the mine begin to pay dividends he’d rather be without, he finds himself in the biggest fight of his life – to stay alive… Robert Glenister stars in this gripping tale of fear, greed and fraud.

    How to Build a Supertower – When property tycoon Max Silver is persuaded to build an iconic new London skyscraper, he hopes it will secure his family’s future – and his own legacy. But he needs all his deal-making skills to avoid the traps put in his path by big business – and by sheer human folly. Starring Robert Glenister, this four-part drama takes you on a roller-coaster ride through the cut-throat domain of international commerce.

    The Moonflask – When a group of jobseekers meet on a back-to-work course they pool their various skills to plot a daring heist. Their plan: to steal a priceless Ming vase from an auction house and return it to its rightful owner. But who is conning whom? Lee Ross, Ken Bones and Sean Murray star in this fast-paced caper with a conscience that’s full of twists and turns.

    Takeover – Self-made tycoon Harry has fought his way to the very top of the business ladder. So when his less successful sibling, Adam, asks him for help fending off a hostile takeover bid from his dodgy rival Terry White, Harry agrees. But fortune can be fickle, and it favours the ruthless… Shortlisted for the 2012 Imison Award, this dark drama of duplicity and double-crossing stars Allan Corduner and Adam Levy.

    ©2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd. (P)2024 BBC Studios Distribution Ltd.

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