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Couverture de The God Made Man

The God Made Man

De : Bobby Rice
Lu par : Nicholas Andrew Rice
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    Men, rise up! Today's culture has us all wrong!

    We're made to look passive, dissociated, and defeated. If we're not pot-bellied beer drinkers or egoistic morons, no one wants to watch the broadcast. What happened to John Wayne, Matt Dillon, and G.I. Joe? Men who knew their strengths, understood their roles, believed in hard-nosed Christian values. Well, they're not dead; in fact, they're alive and well buried inside each one of us, waiting to emerge like the heroes they are. All they need is a reminder of what our God-given nature is. It's time for us to go back to the very beginning and dissect exactly who we are as men, what our purpose is in relation to our women, why we need God as our guide-post, and how we reclaim our place in today's culture by rediscovering the greatest icon of manhood: Adam, God's first image-bearer. All our answers are clear, and they're found in Genesis 1 through 3, by God, from God, and because of God, to be used as an instruction book for Man. I say it's time to reclaim the image God intended for us. It's time to become what we were always meant to be: The God Made Man.

    ©2022 Bobby Rice (P)2022 Bobby Rice

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