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Couverture de The God Machine 3

The God Machine 3

De : EmergencyComplaints
Lu par : Sean William Doyle
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    Fighting for his life in a strange world, Luke is finally closing in on his goal: to bring back his long-lost family and return home together.

    Luke Bennet and his partner, the dwifkin Zea, have reached the eastern continent. But the Pantheon hasn't given up trying to stop them, unleashing a horde of demons across the land in hopes of killing Luke once and for all. Wherever he goes, there are always more, ready to sink their claws into him. And no matter how many of them he defeats, he doesn't get any stronger. Because these beings exist outside of the system itself....

    Demons are hardly the only danger Luke must face. A whole new slate of challenges—from necromancers to monstrous spider colonies to an all-powerful draconic guardian only hinted at in his dead father's journals—all await him here.

    But regardless of who stands in his way, whatever magic they wield and however strong they may be, Luke is determined to unravel the mysteries of the God Machine so he and his family can finally go home.

    The third volume of the hit LitRPG adventure series—with more than 800,000 views on Royal Road—now available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and Audible!

    ©2024 David Sherman (P)2024 Podium Audio

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