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Couverture de The Goal

The Goal

De : Mitch Stone, Riley J. Ford
Lu par : Mitch Stone
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    As the adopted son of an abusive father, seventeen-year-old Dean feels alone in the world and sees his life through jaded, bitter eyes. With music and a few close friends as his only toeholds, he acts out in self-destructive ways. When Dean is forced to go to a new school for artistic but troubled kids, he meets a gifted student who changes his negative mindset. But is the school’s philosophy of love enough to transform Dean’s life completely…or are his scars too deep to overcome?

    School director Mia’s dedication to her work leaves no room for anything else in her life, including romantic love. When the school she created is threatened with financial ruin, she lands at a crossroads that involves two men, the island of Kauai, and a decision. Will Mia run away from herself and all that’s important to her…or will the power of love save the day?

    From acclaimed celebrity photographer and hairstylist Mitch Stone and New York Times bestselling author Riley J. Ford, The Goal is a thought-provoking, funny, and raw collaboration that explores the transformative powers of love in those brave enough to experience it…and what it means to truly live.

    ©2023, 2024 Riley J. Ford and Mitch Stone (P)2024 Riley J. Ford and Mitch Stone
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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