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Couverture de The Glow

The Glow

De : Jessie Gaynor
Lu par : Gabra Zackman
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    A desperate young publicist tries to save her career by turning a grungy retreat centre and its charismatic leader into the hot new self-care brand in this darkly comedic, razor-sharp debut novel, and send-up of the wellness industry.

    For fans of Halle Butler's THE NEW ME, Abigail Bergstrom's WHAT A SHAME and Liane Moriaty's NINE PERFECT STRANGERS

    Jane Dorner has two modes:

    PR Jane is twenty-five, breezy, clever in a non-threatening way and eager to sell you a feminist vibrator.

    Actual Jane is twenty-nine, drifting through mediocre workdays and lackluster dates while paralysed by her crushing mountain of overdue bills.

    Enter the impossibly gorgeous Cass, whom Jane discovers scrolling through Instagram - the guru of a 'wellness retreat' based out of a ramshackle country house that may or may not be giving off cult vibes. Suddenly Jane realises she might have found the one ladder she can climb.

    But inner peace and glowing skin will always come at a price...

    ©2023 Jessie Gaynor (P)2023 Headline Publishing Group Ltd


    "Jessie Gaynor's wildly funny, laser-eyed novel is Jane Austen on steroids. It's that sharp, that wicked, that laceratingly true." (Michael Cunningham, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Hours)

    "The Glow is the first truly dead-on satire of wellness culture, understanding it as not just a consumer trend, but a way of thinking and speaking. With terrifying wit, Jessie Gaynor shreds the overrated virtues of prosperity and healthy moisture barriers, and extols the underrated virtues of irony and sanity." (Tony Tulathimutte, author of Private Citizens)

    "Deliciously tart, fizzy, and absolutely intoxicating, The Glow is like a slim can of hard kombucha: a wellness tonic for people who like to make fun of the wellness industry." (Leigh Stein, author of Self Care)

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