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Couverture de The Girls from Fitzroy

The Girls from Fitzroy

De : Jennie Jones
Lu par : Eva Seymour
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    An unlikely friendship between two young women from opposite ends of Fitzroy sparks life-changing transformations they could never have anticipated.

    Melbourne, 1945. Born into a well-to-do family, Maggie Johnson wants freedom from her parents' strict conservative beliefs and their unbending desire for her to marry the right sort of man. Instead, Maggie longs to forge her own path in life. Lil Kelly, who lives in the slums, works tirelessly to care for her mother and sister. Lil looks for contentment wherever she can find it, not daring to dream of more.

    When their paths cross during the exhilarating celebrations of Victory in the Pacific Day, they form a secret friendship. Determined to help lift Lil out of poverty, Maggie finds herself in need of her friend's help when her own carefully ordered world collapses.

    As Maggie discovers the strength and vibrancy within the close-knit community of southern Fitzroy, Lil is inspired to take a chance and look beyond the only life she has ever known.

    In a world where destiny is dictated by the street where you were born, can Maggie and Lil find the courage to pursue their dreams and follow their hearts?

    ©2024 Jennie Jones (P)2024 HarperCollins Publishers


    'Jennie Jones entwines friendship, family and the class divide into a finely written tale that highlights the importance of love and a meaningful life.' - Mary-Lou Stephens, author of The Chocolate Factory

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