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Couverture de The Girls Who Dared to Love

The Girls Who Dared to Love

De : Diney Costeloe
Lu par : Florence Howard
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    Three girls seem to have the world at their feet in the summer of 1914. But World War 1 is coming and things will change forever - especially for women.

    Lucinda McFarlane is engaged to be married to dashing Sir David Melcome, but their society wedding has to be scaled right down when war is declared. Will David even live to see their baby born?

    Mabel Oakley, once a maid for the McFarlanes, has inherited Thomas Clarke’s printing works, but an unexpected turn of events leaves her at the mercy of her father’s old enemy, solicitor John Sheridan, just as she is beginning to fall for his son. What can she do?

    Lady Diana Fosse-Bury is incredibly beautiful - and reckless. When war is declared, she immediately wants to be in the thick of it, driving ambulances. Can her budding romance with Lucinda McFarlane’s brother, Iain, possibly survive the Western Front?

    Three girls, three destinies, entwined and changed as war looms.

    ©2024 Diney Costeloe (P)2024 Head of Zeus

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