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  • The Girl from Greenwich Street

  • A Novel of Hamilton, Burr, and America’s First Murder Trial
  • De : Lauren Willig
  • Durée : 12 h

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Couverture de The Girl from Greenwich Street

The Girl from Greenwich Street

De : Lauren Willig
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    Based on the true story of a famous trial, this novel is Law and Order: 1800, as Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr investigate the shocking murder of a young woman who everyone—and no one—seemed to know.

    At the start of a new century, a shocking murder transfixes Manhattan, forcing bitter rivals Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr to work together to save a man from the gallows.

    Just before Christmas 1799, Elma Sands slips out of her Quaker cousin’s boarding house—and doesn’t come home. Has she eloped? Run away? No one knows—until her body appears in the Manhattan Well.

    Her family insists they know who killed her. Handbills circulate around the city accusing a carpenter named Levi Weeks of seducing and murdering Elma.

    But privately, quietly, Levi’s wealthy brother calls in a special favor….

    Aaron Burr’s legal practice can’t finance both his expensive tastes and his ambition to win the 1800 New York elections. To defend Levi Weeks is a double win: a hefty fee plus a chance to grab headlines.

    Alexander Hamilton has his own political aspirations; he isn’t going to let Burr monopolize the public’s attention. If Burr is defending Levi Weeks, then Hamilton will too. As the trial and the election draw near, Burr and Hamilton race against time to save a man’s life—and destroy each other.

    Part murder mystery, part thriller, part true crime, The Woman in the Well revisits a dark corner of history—with a surprising twist ending that reveals the true story of the woman at the center of the tale.

    ©2025 Lauren Willig (P)2025 HarperCollins Publishers

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