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Couverture de The Giggles Are Coming

The Giggles Are Coming

De : Christopher Eliopoulos
Lu par : Jef Holbrook
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    A couple of friends can't keep from laughing during class on the first day of school, in this companion to The Yawns Are Coming from the illustrator of the Ordinary People Change the World series!

    Two best friends are so excited to go back to school. They're in the same class, their classroom is full of art supplies, and they've even made a new friend. But then it happens: Just as the teacher introduces herself, the giggles show up! They're everywhere and impossible to escape. And as if that wasn't embarrassing enough, soon a guffaw shows up, and then the chuckles! What will their teacher think if they can't avoid laughing in the middle of her first lesson?

    ©2021 Christopher Eliopoulos (P)2021 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    "This will be much appreciated by any youngsters who’s tried and failed to not crack up in a serious situation.... Youngsters who appreciated Eliopoulos’ previous foray into the personification of the feels in The Yawns Are Coming! will relish this livelier tale." (BCCB)

    "This could be the book that gets all the giggles out for restless children...great pacing and a keen understanding of what tickles children make this a choice to consider closely." (School Library Journal)

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