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Couverture de The Gifts That Bind Us

The Gifts That Bind Us

De : Caroline O'Donoghue
Lu par : Siobhán McSweeney
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    Magic-sensitive Maeve and her friends face off against an insidious threat to their school and their city in this spellbinding sequel to All Our Hidden Gifts.

    It's senior year, and Maeve and her friends are practicing and strengthening their mystical powers, while Maeve's new relationship with Roe is exhilarating. But as Roe's rock star dreams start to take shape, and Fiona and Lily make plans for faraway colleges, Maeve, who struggles in school, worries about life without them—will she be selling incense here in Kilbeg, Ireland, until she's 50?

    Alarm bells sound for the coven when the Children of Brigid, a right-wing religious organisation, quickly gains influence throughout the city—and then its charismatic front man starts visiting Maeve in her dreams. When Maeve's power starts to wane, the friends realise that all the local magic is being drained—or rather, stolen.

    With lines increasingly blurred between friend and foe, the supernatural and the psychological, Maeve and the others must band together to protect the place, and the people, they love.

    ©2022 Caroline O'Donoghue (P)2022 W F Howes

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