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The Ghosts of Chateau du Chasse

De : JJ Zerr
Lu par : Mark Williams
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Bill Marshall is a senior US Navy fighter pilot, who will not make admiral. During his career, he spoke his mind too often to the wrong superior officers. His wife, Kate, has subordinated her ambitions for Bill and for their children, but she has an opportunity for a great job. Bill decides to resign and support his wife, however, the US Navy has one more job they need from Bill. He receives orders to NATO military headquarters in Belgium. Kate feels betrayed by her husband and struggles to swallow her anger to preserve their marriage for the sake of her children. In Belgium, they will live in a castle.

As Kate and Bill work to resolve their earthly problems, their castle home places them on a spiritual battlefield where a two-hundred-year-old struggle between innocence and evil is rushing toward a conclusion. Not many people’s minds can stand with one foot in the spirit world and the other in the physical. Navy fighter pilot Bill Marshall cannot.

©2023 J.J. Zerr (P)2023 J.J. Zerr
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