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  • The Gentleman's Confession

  • Matchmaking Mamas, Book 3
  • De : Anneka R. Walker
  • Durée : 8 h et 19 min

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The Gentleman's Confession

De : Anneka R. Walker
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    Inexperienced in courtship and love, Jemma turns to her best friend, Miles, for guidance on how to win a man’s heart—not knowing that Miles has secretly loved her for years.

    Brookeside, England, 1822 Jemma fielding has always considered herself an independent woman, but to honor her beloved grandmother’s dying wish, she makes a promise that she will marry and fall in love. To fulfill her promise, she turns to the Matchmaking Mamas Society for assistance and is paired with the charming Mr. Bentley. Though he is everything Jemma could hope for in a match, she is clueless about how to win his heart. Desperate to make a good impression, she seeks guidance from her dearest friend, Miles Jackson, a humble rector with a talent for understanding matters of the heart.

    However, Miles’s secret affection for Jemma has spanned years, and teaching her to love someone else threatens to betray his own heart. Despite his selfless nature, Miles fears he will never be more than a humble rector in her eyes.

    Even as he gives Jemma lessons in love, Miles grapples with the challenge of convincing her that Mr. Bentley may be a perfect gentleman but he is not the perfect match for her. Will Miles’s advice in romance jeopardize their years of friendship, or will it reveal the attraction that has quietly blossomed between them, proving that this time, the Matchmaking Mamas may have made a mistake? Miles must decide if he’s brave enough to confess his feelings to Jemma before she is whisked away forever.

    ©2024 Anneka R. Walker (P)2024 Shadow Mountain Publishing

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