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The Genius Life

De : The Hacksmith Guy
Lu par : Mark Lancaster
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This book is a collection of hacks and some unethical but not illegal life tips. UNETHICAL. Yes, if you get caught doing something immoral, there might be penalties. If you attempt this, be ready to face any repercussions. That being said, I didn't only want to take advantage of things and people; I also wanted to be fun!

I experienced my fair share of achievements and disappointments in life, just like everyone else, and I learned discipline the hard way. Talk the talk, walk the walk, succeed gracefully and/or fail honorably. I understand that you may have higher standards and better morals and ethics than I do, and if that's the case, I apologize if this book upset you. Consider this book to be a lighthearted response to a query, and maybe even a sociological experiment.

Much appreciation for Peter Howell's statement, which reads, "Effective interaction with authority: it doesn't always work, but it works most of the time. Of course, you may complain, plan, or do anything else if that authority is acting inappropriate, but first attempt to be helpful."

Thank you all again for listening to this short 1-hour book.

©2024 The Hacksmith Guy (P)2024 The Hacksmith Guy
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