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Couverture de The Funny Thing Is...

The Funny Thing Is...

De : Ellen DeGeneres
Lu par : Ellen DeGeneres
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    Ellen DeGeneres published her first book of comic essays, the #1 best selling My Point...and I Do Have One, way back in 1996. Not one to rest on her laurels, the witty star of stage and screen has since dedicated her life to writing a hilarious new book. That book is this audiobook.

    After years of painstaking, round-the-clock research, surviving on a mere twenty minutes of sleep a night, and collaborating with lexicographers, plumbers, and mathematicians, DeGeneres has crafted a work that is both easy on the ears and very funny. Along with her trademark ramblings, The Funny Thing Is...contains hundreds of succinct insights into her psyche, and offers innovative features including: more than 50,000 simple, short words arranged in sentences that form paragraphs; thousands of observations on everyday life, from terrible fashion trends to how to handle seating arrangements for a Sunday brunch with Paula Abdul, Diane Sawyer and Eminem; all twenty-six letters of the alphabet read aloud.

    Sure to make you laugh, The Funny Thing Is... is Ellen in top form.

    ©2003 Crazy Monkey, Inc. (P)2003 Simon & Schuster Inc. All Rights Reserved. Audioworks Is An Imprint Of Simon & Schuster, Audio Division, Simon & Schuster Inc.


    "Her off-kilter observations are guaranteed to have listeners in stitches." (AudioFile)
    "The laid-back, observational comedienne's stream-of-conscience musings gain additional zest from her wry and adroit delivery....Degeneres is a delight." (Publishers Weekly)

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