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The Funny Life of Teachers

De : James Campbell, Rob Jones
Lu par : James Campbell
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Bloomsbury presents The Funny Life of Teachers written and read by James Campbell.

A hilarious book from bestselling author and stand-up comic James Campbell, who has visited over 3,000 primary schools to tell stories and encourage children to write their own.

Uncover the ridiculously funny life of teachers (and some things that have nothing to do with teachers but are still splendidly funny) according to James Campbell, comedian extraordinaire. Ever wondered what teachers do when they’re not in the classroom? Are they undercover detectives, champion roller-blade dancers or do they spend their evenings playing with their 576 cats?

This face-achingly funny book will also teach you why you should carry an emergency banana with you at all times, how to fart in class silently without anyone knowing it was you and how to catapult yourself to school by building a medieval style catapult in your back garden!

Whether you love or loathe your teachers, want to become one when you grow up or don't give two figs about your teacher but simply love a HILARIOUS read, this book is for you. Prepare to roll around the floor laughing with the snot-inducingly brilliant The Funny Life of Teachers.

But be warned – this is NOT a normal book. You can read it forwards, backwards, sideways and in approximately 861,000 different ways in between. Whichever way you read it, look no further for fantastic real-life teacher facts, imaginary stories and an impossibly silly read!

©2019, 2019 Text copyright © James Campbell, Illustrations copyright © Rob Jones (P)2022 Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
  • Version intégrale Livre audio
  • Catégories : Jeunesse
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