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  • The Four Powers: Assessments of Democracy, Abuses of Centralized Power, and Blockchain-Based National Security

  • Technodemocracy
  • De : Jason M. Hanania
  • Lu par : Jason McCoy, Joy Lyn Shaw
  • Durée : 5 h et 53 min

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The Four Powers: Assessments of Democracy, Abuses of Centralized Power, and Blockchain-Based National Security

De : Jason M. Hanania
Lu par : Jason McCoy, Joy Lyn Shaw
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    What is power?

    How does it become centralized or decentralized?

    These questions are at the heart of understanding how governments work.

    Humankind has barely scratched the surface of what it takes to provide for democracy, equality, and reduced social risk.

    History has taught us that centralizing power in one group member creates maximum power inequality and typically results in abuse of power.

    Whether done consciously or unconsciously, that group member will inevitably make decisions that serve personal rather than public interests.

    It’s human nature.

    In The Four Powers, Hanania provides a fast-paced historical assessment of centralized power.

    From World War I to crypto, Hanania explains the emerging trend toward technodemocracy: a decentralized system of governance whereby power-centralized institutions (such as churches, banks, political parties, campaign donors, Amazon, and the CIA) become obsolete.


    From the author of Architecture of a Technodemocracy (2018), an Amazon bestseller for both U.S. politics and sociology, comes this eye-opening analysis of the human power structure.

    Jason M. Hanania is an attorney, an engineer, and a former U.S. government employee.

    ©2023 Jason M. Hanania (P)2024 Jason M. Hanania

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