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  • The Fortune Teller of Berlin

  • De : J.C. Maetis
  • Durée : Indisponible

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Couverture de The Fortune Teller of Berlin

The Fortune Teller of Berlin

De : J.C. Maetis
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    Brought to you by Penguin.

    Hitler had two fortune tellers.
    One predicted his rise to power, the other aimed for his demise.

    Berlin, 1940: Hitler’s army is on the rise. When he requests Edith Creutzen become his personal fortune teller, she’s left no choice but to accept.

    Day by day, their work intensifies, and soon Edith realises the extent of her power. Hitler trusts her implicitly, but what if she were to lead him astray? Joining forces with the resistance, she begins to guide Europe’s most dangerous man right into the hands of British Intelligence.

    But there’s one person in the way: Hitler’s enigmatic right-hand man, by whom Edith can’t help but be intrigued. Is he friend or foe, and would he still care for her if he knew where her loyalties lay?

    Armed with courage and conviction, Edith sets out to change the course of history. But the price of success is high, and the closer she gets, the more she stands to lose…

    Inspired by true events, this is the incredible story of one woman's fight to overturn Hitler.

    ©2024 J.C. Maetis (P)2024 Penguin Audio

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