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Couverture de The Fortune Teller

The Fortune Teller

De : Natasha Boydell
Lu par : Harrie Dobby
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    The fortune teller said if I chose love, then I’d lose everything…

    ‘If you want everyone you love to stay safe, you must walk away…’ The fortune teller told me my fate. But I ignored her. I married the man of my dreams. We made a family. A life that’s beautiful, safe and happy.

    I’ve tried to forget that hazy, sunny afternoon in the park, where we spotted a funfair setting up, and my best friends and I dared each other to go into the fortune teller’s tent…

    I’ve pushed it to the back of my mind: what she said about the tragedy that lay ahead for me. I want to believe that we are in charge of our own fate. Looking at my two perfect, beautiful children, I refuse to believe things could go wrong for us.

    But as strange things begin to happen, I begin to wonder… could there be any truth behind what the fortune teller told me that day? And if not, who could want me to be scared for my life? And how do I protect my beloved family from the worst fate imaginable?

    A totally gripping psychological thriller that fans of Gone Girl, The Housemaid and K.L. Slater will be utterly hooked by.

    ©2024 Natasha Boydell (P)2024 Boldwood Books

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