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Couverture de The Fix

The Fix

De : Michelle P. King
Lu par : Michelle P. King
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    Foreword by Gillian Anderson and Jennifer Nadel

    For years, we’ve been telling women that in order to succeed at work, they need to change themselves first – lean in, negotiate like a man, don’t be too polite or you’ll never succeed (like a man). But after sixteen years working with major Fortune 500 companies as a leading gender-equality expert, Michelle P. King has realised one simple truth: the tired advice of fixing women doesn’t fix anything. The reality is that workplaces are gendered; they were designed by men for men. Based on King’s research and exclusive interviews with major companies and thought leaders, The Fix reveals the hidden sexism and invisible barriers holding women back at work every day.

    Women are passed over for promotions, paid less and pushed out of the workforce – not because they aren’t good enough, but because they don’t fit the masculine ideal. In this fascinating and empowering book, King reveals the barriers that inhibit women – and men – at all stages of their careers and provides readers with a clear set of takeaways to help them thrive as they fight for change from within.

    ©2020 Michelle P. King (P)2020 Simon & Schuster UK


    'A passionate, practical roadmap for addressing inequality and finally making our workplaces work for women' – Arianna Huffington

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