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Couverture de The Five Powers

The Five Powers

De : Stephen Fulder, Alessandro Sanna
Lu par : Paul Panting
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    Mindfulness + Trust + Energy + Serenity + Wisdom

    It can all feel a bit too much. We find ourselves occupied, morning to night, with reacting, responding and coping with uncontrollable and often challenging circumstances. 

    How can we rise above stress, anxiety and frustration? How do we perform a restart? Is it possible to radically transorm our daily life? How can we invite deeping meaning and freedom into our lives? 

    For many, the gateway to the Buddhist teachings is Mindfulness. And Mindfulness is indeed one of the Five Powers that are regarded as the original teachings of the Buddha: 

    1. Trust 

    2. Energy

    3. Mindfulness

    4. Serenity

    5. Wisdom

    What do the Five Powers feel like on our journey and how do they help us climb? Any transformation begins with Trust, a leap of faith, letting go of the sides and getting into the stream of life, no longer trying to control where it will take us but instead experiencing every moment. We need Energy to overcome resistance and keep going, to be energised instead of drained by life. And of course Mindfulness brings our awareness into where we are on the path, to notice the rocks and flowers along the way, the important stuff. Inner freedom expands, amplified by Serenity. We focus on what is right in front of us, we listen intently, we are patient with life. And Wisdom provides our inner knowing, our compass. 

    The Five Powers work together to help us on our way to remembering why we are here, to let go of our stories and grasp the big picture - we see how the world and ourselves make each other. Life lives through us. 

    The Five Powers is the perfect guide and inspiration for those seeking happiness, contentment, and love in daily life. Its teachings will help readers to dance with the unexpected, to embrace the everyday and climb the mountain.

    ©2020 Stephen Fulder (P)2020 Octopus Publishing Group

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