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Couverture de The Five Points Ripper

The Five Points Ripper

De : Larry Correia
Lu par : Oliver Wyman
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    The stakes have never been higher as Lutero Cade hunts an elusive, seemingly impossible killer in this gripping Audible Original from best-selling author Larry Correia.

    On the lost colony planet of Croatoan, the job of the police force is to keep the peace, even if it means turning a blind eye to all varieties of crimes. DCI Lutero Cade knows how to play the game – but when it comes to murder, he is more than willing to rock the boat.

    Now, with a serial killer on the loose, Cade knows he’s about to do a whole lot of boat rocking.

    But what Cade finds puts him square in the sights of an artificial intelligence that may have its own agenda – and threatens the already shaky foundations of the Five Points, all the way back to the colony’s mysterious origins.

    ©2024 Larry Correia (P)2024 Audible Originals, LLC.

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