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The Firsts

De : Mary Bush Shipko
Lu par : Dawn Wecker
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An insiders view of the untold story of when the airlines started to hire women pilots. In this entertaining and informative story you follow the lives of six of the early women pilots. Theirs is the inspiring story of determination, courage, and sometimes heartbreak. Listen about women pilots from all over the world who were first in their airline’s cockpit, perhaps someone from your home country. There are two chapters about the first African-and international women pilots.

We learn about the laws and events that moved their quest forward.

There is an airplane legend for listeners, not familiar with the planes flown. The final chapter tells how the industry has changed. Told by one of the women who was there. From research, interviews, personal knowledge, and memoirs, the author presents a simple yet powerful story. A complete history.

A STEM book.

©2023 Mary Bush Shipko (P)2023 Mary Bush Shipko
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    "This book of firsts is a MUST have for any aviation history enthusiast! Women with ordinary names like Emily and Bonnie, did the extraordinary!! They came FIRST and opened opportunities for other women!! Once their uniforms graced the flight deck, but as proof of their trailblazing, now hang in the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum for all to see.

    Their journeys were not easy, but led to an open door for others. Shipko even talks about the challenges of African-American women pilots and tells us the story of how ISA +21, Zonta, International and Sisters of the Skies were born, out of necessity and have endured, thriving as models of sisterhood and support. Shipko not only tells the story of U.S. women, but she also takes us around the globe of FIRSTS from Norway, to Australia, India, Kenya, Nigeria, China and Japan." (Carole Hopson, Lyons press)

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