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Couverture de The First Rule of Punk

The First Rule of Punk

De : Celia C. Pérez
Lu par : Victoria Villarreal
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    A 2018 Pura Belpré Author Honor Book

    The First Rule of Punk is a wry and heartfelt exploration of friendship, finding your place, and learning to rock out like no one’s watching.

    There are no shortcuts to surviving your first day at a new school—you can’t fix it with duct tape like you would your Chuck Taylors. On Day One, twelve-year-old Malú (María Luisa, if you want to annoy her) inadvertently upsets Posada Middle School’s queen bee, violates the school’s dress code with her punk rock look, and disappoints her college-professor mom in the process. Her dad, who now lives a thousand miles away, says things will get better as long as she remembers the first rule of punk: be yourself.

    The real Malú loves rock music, skateboarding, zines, and Soyrizo (hold the cilantro, please). And when she assembles a group of like-minded misfits at school and starts a band, Malú finally begins to feel at home. She'll do anything to preserve this, which includes standing up to an anti-punk school administration to fight for her right to express herself!

    Includes a “How to Make a Zine” guide read by the author

    "Malú rocks!"—Victoria Jamieson, author and illustrator of the New York Times bestselling and Newbery Honor-winning Roller Girl

    ©2017 Celia C. Pérez (P)2024 Listening Library
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse


    A 2018 Pura Belpré Author Honor Book

    A 2018 ALSC Notable Children’s Book

    A 2018 Tomás Rivera Mexican American Children’s Book Award Winner

    A 2017 ABA Indies Introduce Title

    A Kids’ Indie Next List Pick

    An E.B. White Read-Aloud Middle Reader Award finalist

    A 2018 Boston Globe-Horn Book Fiction and Poetry Honor Book

    An Amelia Bloomer List Book

    CCBC Choices 2018

    A 2018 Bank Street Best Children's Book of the Year

    A Junior Library Guild Selection

    Publishers Weekly Flying Start

    NPR Best Books of 2017

    Kirkus Reviews Best Fiction of 2017

    School Library Journal Best Books of 2017

    ★ "A charming debut about a thoughtful, creative preteen connecting to both halves of her identity."—Kirkus Reviews, starred review

    ★ "Those who enjoy vivacious, plucky heroines... will eagerly embrace Malu."—School Library Journal, starred review

    ★ "Pérez’s debut is as exuberant as its heroine... A rowdy reminder that people are at their best when they aren’t forced into neat, tidy boxes."—Publishers Weekly, starred review

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