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Couverture de The Favorite Daughter

The Favorite Daughter

De : Patti Callahan Henry
Lu par : Joshilyn Jackson
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    New York Times best-selling author Patti Callahan Henry returns to the beloved Lowcountry setting of The Bookshop at Water's End with a novel of one woman's homecoming.

    On her wedding day 10 years ago, Lena Donohue experienced a betrayal so painful that she fled the small town of Watersend, South Carolina, and reinvented herself in New York City. Though now a freelance travel writer, the one place she rarely goes is home - until she learns of her dad's failing health.

    Returning to Watersend means seeing the sister she has avoided for a decade and the brother who runs their family's Irish pub - and who has borne the burden of his sisters' rift. While Alzheimer's slowly steals their father's memories, the siblings rush to preserve his life in stories and photographs. As his secret past brings Lena's own childhood into focus, it sends her on a journey to discover the true meaning of home....

    Praise for The Favorite Daughter

    "A satisfying read about family and forgiveness." (PopSugar)

    "Henry's latest packs an emotional wallop, delving into the bonds and tragedies that make a family.... Readers of thoughtful family dramas will be drawn to the travails of the Donohue clan." (Booklist)

    “Readers will be immersed in this moving tale, hungry to learn whether love and family will overcome betrayal, secrets, and heartache.” (Publishers Weekly)

    ©2019 Patti Callahan Henry (P)2019 Penguin Audio


    "A satisfying read about family and forgiveness." (PopSugar)

    "Henry's latest packs an emotional wallop, delving into the bonds and tragedies that make a family.... Readers of thoughtful family dramas will be drawn to the travails of the Donohue clan." (Booklist)

    “A gorgeous, deeply affecting story about a family reunited because of the father’s failing health.... The novel is lyrical, engaging, uplifting, and real - forgiveness beckons all, even as secrets unravel." (Christian Science Monitor)

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