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Couverture de The Far Unlit Unknown

The Far Unlit Unknown

De : Mary Lou Kayser
Lu par : Mary Lou Kayser
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    In this collection of poems, Mary Lou Kayser guides listeners through some of life's biggest moments. Falling in love. Working through grief. Healing old wounds. Losing someone dear to us. Deciding it's time to move on. Coming home to our truest and most authentic selves. These are some of the greatest human experiences. Each offers new insights into who we are, what we most desire, and how we can live an exceptional life.

    Questions arise. How to navigate these experiences with grace, integrity, and honesty? Who can teach us how to make sense of the profound changes we all encounter? What does it mean to be alive at this point in human history?

    The Far Unlit Unknown addresses these questions and more. It is among the most important, non-obvious personal development books available today. The title is a framework for what each of us does every single day: step into the far unlit unknown of a world we are just beginning to understand. We can't take those steps alone.

    Allow this book to be your companion as you take those steps on the next leg of your journey into greater self-awareness, compassion, and understanding. Each poem is an invitation to explore deeper parts of your heart and soul. What's inside each of us is greater than anything we know now: something beautiful, significant, and new.

    ©2023 Mary Lou Kayser (P)2023 Mary Lou Kayser

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