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The Fall of the Giants

De : Gregory Kontaxis
Lu par : Guy Barnes
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Elliot is now alone. He’s left Elmor and his friends behind as he heads for the Mountains of the Forgotten World on a mission, which is almost impossible to accomplish.

The Elder Races, the creatures that according to legend are haunted by an ancient curse, are his only hope of defeating Walter. Nobody knows if Elliot has the power to break the curse, and Queen Sophie and the people of Elmor depend on him. Walter may have been defeated in the last battle, but he’ll soon return more determined than ever to destroy his remaining enemies once and for all.

Elliot needs new allies, but the creatures he wants to get on his side have suffered at the hands of humans. Will he manage to convince the Elder Races that he is different?

The second book in the series, The Dance of Light, will engage you in a compelling journey full of unexpected twists and thrills until the final minute.-------------------

Scotts' foray into fiction: In this book Gregory has managed to further enhance a deeply rich story with complex characters and world building. Note this series is starting to turn up the notch in the Grimdark themes, so if you like that, you will probably love this series. This was an awesome follow up to The Return of the Knights and I’m itching to find out what happens in the next book.

Grimdark magazine: Kontaxis maintains a steady pace throughout this second volume of the series, never lagging as the story builds up to its striking climax. Overall, The Fall of the Giants improves upon The Return of the Knights in every way, delivering an impressive epic fantasy that brings new layers of nuance to both the characters and story.

James Harwood-Jones: With hopes fading a quest undertaken. One to undo a legacy of betrayal. Elsewhere, immense creatures of terror become plans of utter domination. Fantastic sequel! Old school fantasy rich with devastating history. Great build to an amazing finish!

©2024 GK Publishing (P)2024 Northern Lake Audio
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