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The Fall of Autumn's Becoming

De : Glenda Norwood Petz
Lu par : Lorin McCraley, Regan D. Floria
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What if, in the blink of an eye, you lost everything that you held dear? Your husband, your children, your family, and your home.

Follow Autumn Marie Jensen on her roller coaster ride of emotions as she attempts to readjust to living in a world where she doesn’t fit it, and where nothing is as she remembers.

After receiving a terminal diagnosis, Autumn takes her ’64 cherry red Thunderbird convertible out for what she intends to be her last joyride. Refusing to undergo costly and painful therapy that can’t save her life, she decides to take matters into her own hands and end it. However, her plans are disrupted when an event occurs inside Gunny’s on Route 93 in Kingman, Arizona that changes her life forever.

When she recovers from the baffling experience, Autumn returns home to find that her husband, Simon, is married to another woman, the adolescent son and daughter that she left at home when she went for a drive are now adults, and that she’s been missing for eleven years.

What happened to Autumn Marie Jensen inside Gunny’s that resulted in an eleven-year disappearance? Where was she for all those years, and why can’t she remember any details about the night she vanished? One essential question those around her desperately need answered – is the Autumn who came home the same Autumn who vanished? The returned Autumn possesses a unique ability that she didn’t have before, and it terrifies those who witness it.

Although Autumn suffers incredibly heartbreaking losses, through her painful sadness, she exudes what it means to love unconditionally, how to let go of a relationship that no longer exists and never will again, and that deeply loving someone sometimes means sacrificing oneself.

©2022 Glenda Norwood Petz (P)2024 Glenda Norwood Petz
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