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Couverture de The Fall

The Fall

De : Daniel James Clark
Lu par : Kevin Kenerly
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    Sergeant Major John Phillips lives two lives.

    In one, he teaches cadets at the United Entities Mechanized Warfare Academy how to pilot massive war machines. In the other, he is the Voice of the Fall, stealing government secrets and writing revolutionary doctrines for the Harbingers of the Fall, an organization bent on bringing down civilization so that humanity can rebuild from the ashes.

    Alison Harrow, a courier for the Harbingers, left her daughter behind in order to fight against the oppressive United Entities government. As the Harbingers launch a coordinated global attack, John is faced with the brutal reality his words have helped create. Alison must also come to terms with her place in the growing conflict as the people she loves and the principles she's fighting for are suddenly caught in the crossfire.

    ©2024 Daniel James Clark (P)2024 Podium Audio

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