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The Faithless Prophet

De : Fuad Baloch
Lu par : Fuad Baloch
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Even the prophets can lose faith.

Gulatu Koza has come to realize he is neither the prophet humans of Doonya expected nor the messiah for whom the Zrivisi were praying. As he grapples with an existential crisis, the Pithrean, ancient enemies of organic lifeforms, return to the galaxy. Ships sent to the Heronza sector to discover what the Pithrean are up to never return, fueling anxiety and fear among all species.

Reduced to being a common man, Gulatu feels liberated from the yoke of prophecy that had guided his purpose in life. Now is the time to fulfill the promise he’d made to Ruma - a minor thing in the grand scheme of things, yet the only one with which he decides to concern himself. Perhaps this one last outing will grant him the peace he craves and solidify their relationship.

Except it looks like the Pithrean have a purpose of their own for which they need him, and they will do anything to ensure his compliance.

Listen to The Faithless Prophet today to see how the prophet's life turns out.

©2018 Fuad Baloch (P)2018 Fuad Baloch
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