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Couverture de The Faith Virus

The Faith Virus

De : Derek Ruskin
Lu par : Derek John Ruskin
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    There is no caring god, there never was. Faith has had its day. We do have each other

    Two thousand five hundred years ago, Confucius, Buddha, and Socrates all concluded, at slightly different times and thousands of miles apart, that a caring god simply did not exist.

    Then Abraham, Moses, and Jesus Christ (or rather the religion created in his name 334 years after his death) did their best to enslave humanity and hide that simple wisdom from us.

    Do Jews really believe that their messiah is still coming after waiting over two thousand five hundred years?

    Do Christians ever wonder why Jesus never came back when he said he would?

    Perhaps they have never actually read those bits of the New Testament or just chose to ignore his clear message, repeated in all four gospels? See Chapter nine for his words.

    Do Muslims ever wonder why almighty Allah needs so much help from suicide bombers?

    Why on earth is faith still seemingly so valid to so many, supposedly, well educated people?

    Why are there so many people still listening to deluded men in frocks? More recently there are even a few deluded women in frocks, but god knows why? Even if she did exist, what is the point of genuflecting to a make-believe entity that never acknowledges your existence?

    Why have so many gods disappeared in the last two thousand years and why did those gods start disappearing when more of us were educated to read what other humans were saying?

    Why is the rational philosophy and the glowing light of the European Enlightenment (The Age of Reason) not taught in every school from the age of five?

    Faith created by religion is the problem. It creates division, confusion and anguish in children. It then creates irrational and increasingly violent behavior in adults. So, is it my mission to convert those of faith?

    No, I’d largely be wasting my time, because once the faith virus is ingrained in young minds it is almost, impossible to remove. My time is far better spent trying to stop young minds from being brainwashed in the first place.

    Therefore I urge the abolition of all faith schools, the disestablishment of the Church of England from the parliamentary law making process, and actively encourage the teaching of age appropriate philosophy in all schools from the age of five.

    I encourage this by supporting the Humanist Society and National Secular Society.

    Derek Ruskin 2020

    NB: Covid-19 had not yet emerged when I started planning and writing this book so my use of the word virus is purely co-incidental.

    ©2023 Derek John Ruskin (P)2023 Derek John Ruskin

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