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  • The Faceless Villain: A Collection of the Eeriest Unsolved Murders of the 20th Century: Volume Two

  • De : Jenny Ashford
  • Lu par : Jenny Ashford
  • Durée : 17 h et 3 min

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The Faceless Villain: A Collection of the Eeriest Unsolved Murders of the 20th Century: Volume Two

De : Jenny Ashford
Lu par : Jenny Ashford
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    What is it about these unsolved murders that still fascinates us long after the cases have gone cold? Is it simply that we enjoy being able to come up with our own theories about what happened to the unfortunate victims? Or are we intrigued by the terrifying possibility that the killers are still out there somewhere?

    The Faceless Villain: Volume Two is the second in a three-volume series that explores the most mysterious and disturbing unsolved murders of the 20th century. This volume is comprised of the years 1960 through 1979, and includes all of the best known cases of the period, as well as many more lesser-known murders, all presented in a compelling chronological narrative that takes the reader on a grisly journey through the blood-soaked avenues of mid-20th century crime.

    Featuring: The Lake Bodom Murders, Little Miss Nobody, Jack the Stripper, The Zodiac, The Beaumont Children, Bible John, The Good Hart Murders, The Coronation Street Murder, Highway of Tears, Sister Catherine Cesnik, Isdal Woman, The Alphabet Murders, The Lady of the Dunes, The Gypsy Hill Killings, The Seewen Murder Case, The Wanda Beach Murders, The Freeway Phantom, The Santa Rosa Hitchhiker Murders, The Girl Scout Murders, The Lafayette Bar & Grill Murders, Bob Crane, and more!

    ©2018 Jennifer Ashford (P)2018 Jennifer Ashford

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