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  • The F--k-It Philosophy

  • Embrace Authenticity and Live Unapologetically
  • De : Dr. Sann Vann
  • Lu par : Scott White
  • Durée : 5 h et 4 min

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The F--k-It Philosophy

De : Dr. Sann Vann
Lu par : Scott White
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    Dive headfirst into the exhilarating, no-holds-barred world of "The F--k-It Philosophy: Embrace Authenticity and Live Unapologetically," where the mantra of 'F--k-It' isn't just a phrase—it's a revolution. Author Dr. Sann Vann brings you a bold, liberating guide that dares to challenge the status quo and empowers you to live your life unapologetically.

    Are you tired of constantly chasing perfection? Fed up with always putting others first at the expense of your own happiness? This book is your escape hatch. Through a lively mix of personal anecdotes, humor, and raw insight, Dr. Sann Vann takes you on a transformative journey to break free from the shackles of societal expectations and self-doubt.

    Experience the liberation of saying 'F--k-It' to the relentless pursuit of perfection. Discover the power of setting boundaries and the freedom that comes with saying 'No' without guilt. Learn to embrace your flaws as your superpowers and find strength in what makes you uniquely you.

    "The F--k-It Philosophy" isn't just about throwing caution to the wind; it's a strategic approach to life that balances boldness with mindfulness. It's about making choices that truly resonate with you, not what society dictates. This book offers practical, real-world advice for redefining success on your own terms, handling criticism constructively, and finding joy in the unpredictability of life.

    By the end of this book, you won't just be learning about the 'F--k-It' philosophy; you'll be living it. You'll have the tools to forge a life of authenticity, courage, and unprecedented freedom. Your journey towards a life where every decision, every moment, and every day is lived fearlessly and on your terms begins here.

    ©2023, 2024 Dr. Sann Vann (P)2024 Dr. Sann Vann

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