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Couverture de The Executive Coaching Guide: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know

The Executive Coaching Guide: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know

De : Leyda Lazo SHRM-SCP
Lu par : Jess Spayd
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    The Executive Coaching Guide is the first-ever must-have coaching guide for HR professionals.

    From the founder and CEO of Human Capital Consultants International and top 100 leadership and development HR influencer comes the ultimate coaching guide on transforming the way we lead others, lead our managers, and lead the HR function.

    The Executive Coaching Guide is packed with real coaching scenarios, tips and tricks to help HR professionals prepare for their coaching sessions, and tons of examples of effective and powerful coaching questions to illustrate the different stages of the coaching models during a professional coaching engagement, The Executive Coaching Guide will help HR managers enhance their coaching skills while developing an effective leadership style that is all their own.

    • Learn how to apply job coaching techniques effectively.
    • Discover the one thing that matters most in coaching engagements.
    • When and how you coach
    • Discover different coaching approaches.
    • Learn how to assess progress and commitment.
    • Use silence strategically.

    “How can I get my managers to act more like coaches?”

    My answer is through you — you can use the skills you have acquired in coaching as a means of changing the conversation up the chain. As an HR professional, if you’re to be a credible teacher of leadership, you have to know how to coach. Your change in behavior will begin to transform the environment in which you operate. You cannot lead unless you can coach.

    SHRM Recertification Credits

    SHRM Certification has approved the Executive Coaching Guide: What Every HR Professional Needs to Know for three PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.

    ©2021 Leyda Lazo (P)2021 Leyda Lazo

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