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Couverture de The Ever Part of Always

The Ever Part of Always

De : Toby K. Davis
Lu par : Ryan Haugen
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    Ten-year-old Keely Rosalie Tucker is a modern-day knight with no armor. Constantly bullied by a neighbor boy, Keely struggles to find her place in the world in which she is comforted only by the stories her Gramms has told her about enchanted, faraway places, where unicorns, fairies, and angels protect children from life's everyday pains and dangers. Now all Keely has to do is figure out how to call them to help her.

    Everything changes when her beloved Gramms suddenly dies and gifts Keely with her aging horse, Mariah, setting the stage for an adventure. Keely discovers that Mariah can talk, and she soon finds her way to a hidden valley over the moon and beyond rainbows where monsters and dragons disturb and invade the peace of mind. Now she must learn to believe in herself and develop her secret powers in order to deliver a miracle before it is too late. In this delightful and charming fantasy tale, a little girl learns to summon her courage and rely on her imagination as she opens her heart and mind to the sounds of the possible in a last-ditch effort to save a friend.

    ©2023 Inks and Bindings (P)2024 Bookside Press
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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