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  • The Essential Prepper's Medical Handbook

  • The Pocket Sized Survival Guide
  • De : Edwin Hose
  • Lu par : Tom Brooks
  • Durée : 1 h et 44 min

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The Essential Prepper's Medical Handbook

De : Edwin Hose
Lu par : Tom Brooks
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    Are you prepared for the turmoil this world is offering?

    Do you have a doctor on hand?

    With Wars brewing around the world, viruses crippling society, prepping is no longer a fringe hobby.

    Your readiness and well-being is your responsibility.

    Not your neighbors…….not the government……..not any agency.

    Take control…….give yourself the tools,

    And knowledge to safeguard the well-being of yourself and your loved ones…..

    No matter what the situation is.

    Arm yourself with The Essential Preppers Medical Handbook.

    This pocket-size book will help you when no one else is around.

    Here’s just a fraction of what you can expect inside:

    •The ONLY Health care you need for survival situations

    •Unveil the SECRETS of the medical kit

    •The unboxing your healing hands and the unearthing of your Medical skills

    •How to navigate everyday survival health hazards

    •Primitive medicines vital to your survival

    •And a whole lot more!

    You Will Also Receive an Extra Companion Piece

    The Essential Preppers Survival Checklist

    With this checklist you will get 16 pages of crucial items you can’t afford to forget.

    You don’t need to be a special forces field medic to be ready for what the world throws at you.

    You just need to cultivate a preppers mindset and equip yourself with knowledge and fortitude to survive. Are you ready to rise to the occasion?

    Stack the odds in your favor and BUY NOW!

    ©2023 Edwin Hose (P)2024 Edwin Hose
    • Version intégrale Livre audio

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