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  • The Epitome of Her

  • Intellectual Stories, Conversations, and Poetry for Soul Searching
  • De : Jenise Stockes
  • Lu par : Elena A. Steele
  • Durée : 3 h et 3 min

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Couverture de The Epitome of Her

The Epitome of Her

De : Jenise Stockes
Lu par : Elena A. Steele
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    The best stories are told from the soul, right? The Epitome of Her is a compilation of journal entries, short stories, and conversations that are meant to strike a sense of healing and clarity. The compilations of short stories and conversations are fictional and solely based on the imagination of the author. The purpose of this book is to reach those who may battle with understanding the "Why" during their season of transitioning.

    As the author, it was a pleasure to illuminate and provide insight on some of the things women go through but have yet to understand why they had to go through it. The obstacles life presents are meant to strengthen us. When you are the one going through something, you often gain perspective out of emotion. Sometimes the purpose of your situation may be revealed from a perspective that lacks the comfort of emotion. The intention in bringing forth a creative collection of writings is to speak to the heart of women. So many women are in a season of self-revelation and understanding.

    Knowing you are not alone is essential to your process. God shows us the signs and wonders through others. We can always learn something from our peers. Connection and community are important to His process. I pray this book blesses you!!

    ©2023, 2024 Jenise Stockes (P)2024 Jenise Stockes

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