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Couverture de The Entertainer Bus Driver, an Inside Look

The Entertainer Bus Driver, an Inside Look

De : Neville Drew Shende
Lu par : Christopher C. Odom
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    Neville Drew Shende, Star bus driver for Prince on the Musicology 2004ever tour, Ronnie James Dio, Alicia Keys, Disturbed, Papa Roach, lead bus driver on the Madonna Sticky and Sweet tour, and many other high-level artists over the years.

    With over 35+ years of entertainment and music industry experience. The Director of Tour Relations with a highly reputable company offers insights, stories, and advice for those considering a career in the transportation sector in the music industry. This book is an invaluable asset for anyone interested in a career in the concert touring motor-coach industry.

    Picture yourself cruising down the open road, music playing in the front lounge, and a busload of enthusiastic creative artists band and crew, your passengers, Rock, Rolling & Relaxing on down the highway to the next sold-out arena.

    Welcome to the world of The Entertainer Bus Driver, where we take care of business and take care of our clients. Travel and adventure are the order of the day. In this book you will find an in-depth look at the life of an Entertainer Bus Driver, exploring their responsibilities, challenges, and the unique experiences they encounter on the road.

    So buckle up and join me on this thrilling, challenging and sometimes unbelievable journey, that transports artists, crew and staff to a venue near you. Safely navigating on a million-dollar customized sleeper bus, what I like to call a Hotel on Wheels. Your bus call is now...

    ©2006, 2024 Neville Drew Shende (P)2024 Neville Drew Shende

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