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The Enlightenment

De : Victoria Raikel
Lu par : Tyler Kauffman
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This is a story that everyone should listen to as we touch on topics of wildlife and vegetation conservation and climate change. The story takes place in the Land of Azar where magical creatures roam the land. These creatures can talk, fly, and have superior strength and magical powers.

Azar exists on a different dimension then Earth. It has its own universe, star system, sun and planets. It began 800 years ago, when Azar would get Visitors from other planets. Theodore the Great Owl, who is one of the wisest creatures on Azar, determined that there was a portal that would open to other worlds every 30 years and he could tell what day that visitor would arrive by the alignment of the stars.

The portal would open for a visitor to come through and then re-open again in 9 days so the visitor may go back to where they came from. Within the folds of this narrative lies a timeless lesson the magic we seek is often found within our own hearts.

With the help of the Azarians and the Three Golden Rules, we can change the world to where our planet finds harmony once more. Lets create a world where magic thrives, nature flourishes, and our planet finds harmony once more. With magical dust, boundless imagination, and a heart for conservation. ~Victoria Raikel

©2024 Victoria Raikel (P)2024 Victoria Raikel
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