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The Enemy within You

De : Leo Pineda
Lu par : David Piper
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The intention of this book is to get you in sync with your mind, to learn how to reprogram it. Many of us go through life wondering and thinking to ourselves, “Why me? Why are these things happening to me? Why am I always the victim? Why am I not reaching all of my goals?” - and this keeps being the everyday pattern for many of us: “Why, why, why?”

As human beings, the majority of us are born without the right programming to use our mind to its full potential. We go through life expecting the best out of every situation, not realizing that our subconscious will react in a protective way, to each individual circumstance, and according to our past programming. This programming will shut you down before you can even make your first attempt towards your goals, actions, and life itself!

Let me show you how to take control of your life. Don’t let life do you! We are all on this earth to serve a purpose. Don’t keep going through life with an emptiness, not knowing what the next step for you is, or what your calling is. I want you to feel what it’s like to be grateful for the little things, to be able to attract more abundance and wealth as you go on. Don’t keep doing the same thing you do every day, expecting a different result. By listening to this book, you can make the necessary changes to attract a better life.

©2022 Leo Pineda (P)2022 Leo Pineda
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